Polar Quality Products

Because we control the entire life cycle of our fish, we know for sure that we deliver quality. Polar Quality.

We offer polar fish, farmed in the purest seas and produced in the northern parts of Norway. We believe in quality, and we strive to always deliver on this. We meet our customers’ requirements, and deliver in all sizes and after all specifications.

Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar
We deliver high quality salmon both fresh and frozen, farmed in optimal conditions. We meet our customers’ demands and deliver in all sizes, specifications, gutted with or without head.

Today almost 90 percent of all Norwegian Salmon is exported abroad to be processed. Polar Quality is about to change this. In 2019 we will be opening a new local factory for processing salmon. As a result, we can offer locally handled products of Norwegian salmon. By eliminating the intermediary, we can cut costs, transport and emission, and produce Norwegian seafood in an even more sustainable way.

Atlantic cod

Gadus morhua
For us Norwegians this has been the most important fish for centuries and has contributed to Norwegian economy and settlement. Our cod is wild caught by longline, gillnet, Danish Seine, purse seine, pot/trap or bottom trawl. We meet our customers demand and can deliver sizes between 1-10+ kg, both frozen on flaked ice or fully frozen.

During spawning season, we also deliver our popular Skrei. Skrei is of course caught and delivered by the same methods and specifications as regular Cod.

Atlantic Halibut

Hippoglossus hippoglossus
This flatfish is among the largest teleost (bony) fish in the world. We deliver wild caught by longline, gillnet and danish seine. When in season we deliver in all sizes possible for Halibut.

Greenland halibut

Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Our Greenland Halibut is wild caught by longline, gillnet or danish seine. Frozen and can be delivered gutted with the head and with an N-cut. We deliver the following sizes 0-1, 1-3kg and 3+kg.

We deliver different variations of seafood. If you are interested in something else than what we offer above, please contact us and we will help you.

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